Ode to Resistance and Circa
Shareen K. Murayama
Issue 30
Ode to Resistance
“I did not fall from grace.” - Ansel Elkins
I’m trying to be content but today
I’m having feelings about us.
I rehearse hitting the high notes.
I google: how do I know I’m happy
in a relationship? Yesterday, we visited
the farm-to-food market. All this time,
I’ve been saying to-table, a body
with four legs, even if it knows how
to beg. I swear I hear wood when someone
says mother, when I bleed monthly
for an ex. I feel most useful when
my gyno warns, You can still conceive.
I’m trying to be burnt enough,
ready to rise through love but I can’t
move forward. I want to abandon my trust
issues, but I’m enamored with flames,
how it colors me hopeless: red, gold, go
figure—lately, I retract from your touch.
What do you call the stretch of time between dead-end searches and declaring something has gone extinct? What do you mean, “Is this a metaphor or a joke?” A mayfly begins life with no mouth. Isn’t this how we love? You needed someone and I needed to laugh. I mean, someone’s been combing the Panama forests since 1972, confirming the splendid poison frog—the Jalpa salamander, Hawai`i yellowwood, the fresh water fish in Lake Lanao—are still missing. Years from now, Can I have them back, is the question I don’t want to ask myself. Isn’t it odd that I know jugabilis means “that which may be joined” of the O`ahu petral that’s been MIA before anyone knew its soft bits, its four-chamber heart pumping blood to lungs, pumping silence to acceptance. I’m trying to wrap my head around this femur, the bone color clouds of marriage.
Shareen K. Murayama is the author of two poetry books Housebreak (Bad Betty Press, 2022) and Hey Girl, Are You in the Experimental Group (Harbor Editions, 2022). She’s a Japanese American, Okinawan American poet and educator, a Pushcart Prize nominee, as well as Best Small Fictions & Best of the Net nominee. Recently featured in Poets & Writers Debut 5 Over 50 Authors, she lives in Honolulu and supports the #litcommunity @AmBusyPoeming.