Triangle House Review is currently closed for submissions, except we are ALWAYS looking to read work by writers who have never been published in any capacity before. If this is you, please send your submission to

To query Monika at Triangle House Literary, please send an email with a description of your project as well as the first ten pages of your manuscript to She will respond if she’s interested in seeing more.

To query Kima at Triangle House Literary, please follow the submissions directions via QueryManager, which include the first ten pages of your manuscript. She will respond if she’s interested in seeing more.

To query Renée at Triangle House Literary, please send a query letter, synopsis, and the first 30 pages of your manuscript or your full proposal through this form.

Noah is currently open to queries.

To query Emma, email with a query letter and first 20 pages (or, if applicable, the full proposal) in the body of an email. Please include QUERY in your subject line. While she aims to respond to all queries, if you haven’t heard from her in 12 weeks, please assume your project is not a fit. 

Foreign rights are handled by Claire Roberts at Claire Roberts Global Literary Management. (


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